Monday, August 4, 2008

No, filler posts don't always need to have titles

I Learnt one thing today.

Life is all about being in the zone. Sometimes, the things you obsess about, worry about, spend sleepness nights about..just..fall into place if you let them be. It's astounding how the impossible things happen if at some level you believe that they actually can. Boy, do I love it when things start falling in place. I just hope this trend continues!

I also read one thing today..a really cute saying, in my opinion. Quote-for-all-ages category.

The popcorn Kernel is small, hard, indigestible and seemingly worthless. But put it in a pot and hold it over a fire, and it'll be transformed before your eyes. Sometimes life's pressures and problems can do the same for you.

Ah, when did I become this philosophical? Is it 7th sem (code name: War Seven) influencing me on day one, or is it something about growing older and wiser (in just eleven days?) I dearly hope its neither. *Shudder*.
But popcorn sure is fun to eat!

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